The Fermenters Kitchen Ginger Beer, with Kampot pepper

The Fermenters Kitchen is a local brand in Cambodia producing a range of Kombucha teas and a gnger beer. The ginger is blended with lime, lemongrass, and Kampot pepper. Everything is made from natural ingredients. The hints of Kampot pepper sparkle together with the carbonated bubbles.

The Fermenters Kitchen Ginger Beer

I had the opportunity to try the drink iced and it was refreshing. Overall Kampot pepper was subtle and amount of ginger was just right. The weather couldn’t have called for a better drink.

Scotty P

Scotty P is a culinary enthusiast who loves to explore the art of combining simple yet delicious ingredients. His fascination with black pepper began when he discovered its remarkable ability to add depth and complexity to any dish. Scotty P enjoys experimenting with various spices and ingredients, blending them with black pepper to create unique flavor profiles that heat up the taste buds.


Black Pepper Superior to Supermarkets


Black Kampot pepper soft shell crab, wok fried in citrus sauce